Derby Days 2014
The brothers of Gamma Upsilon are proud to host our 57th annual fund-raiser to benefit the Catch-A-Dream foundation. The Gamma Upsilon chapter of Sigma Chi is the single largest donor to Catch-A-Dream each year. We were able to raise $65,000 for Catch-A-Dream this year. Derby Days is a long-standing tradition of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, with its general fraternity roots dating back to the 1930s. Derby Days here at Mississippi State is a week-long program filled with a range of events. Every year we look for new ways to improve Derby Days to get as many people involved in this life-changing event as possible.
This years Derby Days consisted of a week long of fun activities. Activities for Derby Days included a Deep South Pout fundraiser, Crucible Extreme Obstacle Challenge, Men's 3 on 3 basketball tournament, Crawfish Boil Fundraiser, Concert Performances, Juva Juice Smoothie Night, Sorority Basketball Tournament, BBQ Luncheon, and it ended with our traditional Lip Sync and Banner Competition between sororities on Saturday